Be Grateful For 30+ Things Right Now

grateful mindful well-being mental health

You Can Be Grateful For 30+ Things Right Now. You could try them for 30 days and see how it affects your life – it’s worth it!

Each holiday season has high expectations for a cosy and festive time. But what about those who feel lost, overwhelmed, or down at this time of year? Research suggests that one aspect of the festive season can lift the spirits, built right into the holiday: Being grateful. 

Not only that but there is also scientific evidence that expressing genuine gratitude daily can improve physical health by enhancing the quality of sleep, cardiovascular (heart) health and immune function.

Therefore, today, on our blog, you can find a list of 30 things you can be grateful for. We encourage you to try them for 30 days and see how practising gratitude will affect your life.  

Be Grateful For Your Home

– For the roof over your head and a warm, dry place to sleep at night
– The clothes on your back and shoes on your feet
– The water in your home to take showers and bathe your kids
– All the food in the refrigerator and pantry
– Electricity! And for living in the time where it exists  
– Cell phones and how they connect us to our loved ones all over the world  
– Having internet access in your home  
– How fun it is to decorate your home for the seasons  

Be Grateful For Your Body

– Sense of sight for letting you see the colours of life. 
– Sense of hearing for letting you hear the trickle of rain, the voices of your loved ones, and the harmonious chords of music. 
– Sense of touch for letting you feel the texture of your clothes, the breeze of the wind, and the hands of your loved ones. 
– Sense of smell for letting you smell scented candles, perfumes, and beautiful flowers in your garden. 
– Sense of taste for letting you savour the sweetness of fruits, the saltiness of seawater, the sourness of pickles, the bitterness of bitter gourd, and the spiciness of chilli. 
– Your speech for giving you the outlet to express yourself. 
– Your heart for pumping blood to all the parts of your body every second since birth; for giving you the ability to feel. 
– Your immune system for fighting viruses that enter your body. For keeping you in the pink of your health so you can do what you love. 
– Your mind for the ability to think, store memories, and create new solutions. 

Be Grateful For Your Relationships

– Family. Whether they’re your blood relatives or the friends you consider family, they’re worth expressing gratitude for. Remind your parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, kids, grandkids, aunts, uncles, or cousins how appreciative you are of them. 
– Relationship. Having that one person who shares the same romantic feelings you do is a beautiful thing. Think of something to thank your spouse or partner for. 
–  Friends. These people pick you up on the bad days and celebrate with you on the good days. 
– Your Children: The adorably perfect way toddlers mispronounce words, all the joy new babies bring, every night that you could rock your child to sleep, long, healing hugs from your teenager.   

Be Grateful For Your Environment

– Your school for providing an environment conducive to learning and growing. 
– Our freedoms and rights. Saying what you want, practising your religion your way, and voting is not commonplace everywhere. 
– Modern medicine. Keeping us alive for much longer. 
– Planet Earth. Incredibly, it has just the right conditions for us to live here. 
– Living in a safe neighbourhood. Not worrying about the safety of yourself and your family is something we often take for granted. 
– The changing seasons: the first buds on the trees, the first snow, falling leaves in Autumn, etc. 
– Pets. If you have a dog, a cat, or other pet, feel good that you can spend time with them anytime. 
– Transport for making it easier to commute from one place to another. 
– Music for lifting your spirits when you’re down and filling your life with more love. 
– Kind strangers for brightening up your days when you least expect it 

And what about you?

These are just a few ideas of what you can be grateful for. Write down what you’re glad for in a journal to establish a habit of gratitude in your life. You can schedule a specific time in your day when you’ll grab your journal and write down your moments of thankfulness. 

If you use a small journal, carry it around and write it in during the moments of your day you feel most frustrated. 

And last but not least: Be grateful for Yourself. For being who you are and touching the world with your presence. 

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