Free Masterclass:
From Idea to Profitable Online Program Topic

Jump into the FREE Masterclass to discover the secret recipe for finding the perfect online program topic that's in demand and profitable!
Wave goodbye to wasting precious time and money! 👋

TUESDAY, 20TH FEBRUARY 2024, 19:00 – 20:00 [GMT+1]

If you can’t make it to attend the live masterclass, don’t worry! If you register, the masterclass recording will be available for you to watch later.


You can turn your skills, passions, and ideas into profitable online offers by masterfully and effectively focusing on the most promising ones only – leaving the rest aside. 

SPOT opportunitIES for New offers right away!
You have easy ways to feel the pulse of and to learn about your target audience, their issues, and communication preferences daily.
Bye-bye, time, MONEY and effort sinkhole!

Before even spending a second in outlining and creating your online program, you validate your online offer topic for demand first.

Free Masterclass:
From Idea to Profitable Online Program Topic

What if you could confidently and purposefully create online products that people crave and can’t wait to buy without wasting money, time and effort on trial and error?

digital products passive income Profitable Online Business Consulting and Coaching free masterclass
digital products passive income Profitable Online Business Consulting and Coaching free masterclass
digital products passive income Business Consulting and Coaching free masterclass

Free Masterclass:
From Idea to Profitable Online Program Topic

Turning your ideas into money-making, in-demand online offers just got as uncomplicated as baking yummy, fluffy blueberry muffins, following a simple, step-by-step recipe in one go! 🤩

Wave BYE-BYE to 👋

❌ ... ''Hello! Is anybody out there?"😰

❌ ... feeling totally disappointed because your first offer(s) didn't yield the desired results, leaving you questioning your entire business venture. It just sucks!

❌ ... nagging doubts and concerns about whether the offer you're currently creating is worth the effort and investment and will sell crazy like Hotcake!

❌ ... wrecking your brain and wasting time optimising your content and sales page for an offer no one seems interested in, instead validating and creating an offer you know from the beginning is actually in demand!

Say HELLO to 💃🏻

💃🏻 ...the moments when you feel really excited and happy about creating an online offer that people are eager to pay for. It's a lot like the feeling you get when baking delicious blueberry muffins that everyone can't wait to eat.

💃🏻 ... feeling buzzed up by the incoming sales notifications that confirm the effort you've put into validating and creating your offer paid off.

💃🏻 ... feel confident that your offer is in high demand, allowing you to focus on optimising your sales strategies for even better results.

💃🏻 ... being proud to share your offer with the world because you know it makes a difference!

Free Masterclass:
From Idea to Profitable Online Program Topic

Is this you?

❌ Your first online program(s) didn't quite hit the mark, and boy, does it sting! You feel like a failure! You were so pumped about how it would help folks, but the results are so disappointing!

❌ So, you think you've figured out your target audience, addressing their pain points and desires with our offer. But is that really the case? Because you only hear crickets ...

❌ You've poured your heart and soul into creating an incredible online program. The cold reality dawns on you: maybe it's not what the cool kids look for. What a waste of time and effort - and probably money! It sucks!

Free Masterclass:
From Idea to Profitable Online Program Topic

Oh, I fell for it too- all thanks to the pandemic that created the online biz hype!

When the pandemic hit, everyone went into home improvement mode. Suddenly, it hit me – why not turn my FEYN HOMES side hustle for interior design into profitable passive income offers?

I decided to create DIY online offers to help people spruce up their homes and yards and declutter their spaces – all this with a unique pinch of coaching because I knew how tough decision-making and planning can be. This would make me stand out from all the YouTube DIY videos, and I was deeply convinced these programs would be a hit. But boy, I was so wrong!

My sales were a total flop, and I felt like a fish out of water. After digging, I realised folks still need to get my DIY product with a pinch of coaching. I felt like a goofball for pouring my heart and soul into it.

I needed to address what my target customers craved with my offers – in their language. So, I dusted off my corporate business research skills, researched, and got to know my target audience better. I shaped my offers to fit people’s needs and … The rest is history, my friend!

The lesson here is not to let emotions and assumptions hijack your decisions. Sure, excitement is great, but it’s better to arm yourself with research and validation before taking action. So learn how to do it by joining the masterclass!

TUESDAY, 20TH FEBRUARY 2024, 19:00 – 20:00 [GMT+1]

If you can’t make it to attend the live masterclass, don’t worry! If you register, the masterclass recording will be available for you to watch later.

Free Masterclass:
From Idea to Profitable Online Program Topic

Ok, from now on ….

✅ ... whipping up the perfect, irresistible online offer is your forte! Your secret recipe for success is a step-by-step guide to ensure each offering makes people break out of their wallets. 😎

✅ ... boom! You know your target clients' needs in and out. This magic translates perfectly into your online offers as you speak your target clients' language.

✅ ... your online offer creation is turbo-charged, validated and streamlined like a sleek race car. No more wasted efforts or time! You're an online offer creation wonder, baby!

Free Masterclass:
Find your profitable Online Program Topic

Candid. Energizing. Transformative.

I am Melanie - A world-travelling Corpo Business Transformation Leader turned minimalist Online Business Entrepreneur.  👋

I am here to help you transform your expertise, knowledge and offline business into a lucrative, unique passive income business with the help of smart, automated systems right from the business start – without depending on exhausting active selling on social media, with constant posts, stories, and cold DMs.  And that’s totally different than how most people do it! It sets you apart from the majority!

In 2015, while working full-time at my corporate job, I started my own consulting and coaching business on the side. This move completely changed my life.
I began to network with other entrepreneurs and realised: ‘Wow, there’s a different way to live!!”.  A lifestyle where work and travel co-exist, time and location are no longer an issue, and you are not constantly trading your time for money and burned out. 
I got more and more requests to help employed and self-employed people alike leap from the 9-5 grind or free up their time for more important things aside from work by implementing passive income streams.
‘’SURE I CAN!’’, I said 😄 – especially as it allowed me to combine what I am absolutely passionate about: 
  • Helping people make change happen and 
  • living my knack for creative and effective business process automation (mind you, I’m a techie – a graduated engineer 😉.)

Three words that would describe me best? BEING CANDID - ENERGISING -TRANSFORMATIVE!

I’ve had a corporate career for over two decades, transforming digital landscapes and organisations, streamlining processes along client journeys, and leading global teams towards success. I’m a certified business and team coach and Lean Mentor with a proud record of coaching, mentoring, and inspiring over 1,000 people.  

Since 2020, I have run my biz full-time and dearly enjoy working with my community and developing my passive income systems. I like selling stuff actively on social media when I feel like it, but I also love making automatic sales every day, like clockwork, so that I can sleep like a baby. This way, I can save time and do more of what I love – independent and free. 
For me, it’s very much about having fun while you do what you WANT to do and staying true to it. ”Be You – Do you!” is my motto. And this is called authenticity – and that’s what you can expect from me. 
Let’s make you free and independent – and an online offer creation wonder!

Ready to create profitable online offers?

TUESDAY, 20TH FEBRUARY 2024, 19:00 – 20:00 [GMT+1]

If you can’t make it to attend the live masterclass, don’t worry! If you register, the masterclass recording will be available for you to watch later.

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