High-Speed Passive Income Quick Starter Kit

Start earning passive income in just 3 days by turning your knowledge into profitable digital products with our starter kit! >> Go for it!

Unleash the power of transforming your expertise, passion or hobby into bite-sized digital goodies that can earn you up to 10+ clients daily like automated clockwork and attract a flood of eager buyers or subcribers to your email list - within 3 days!

🤩 No large social media follower base, reach or e-mail list needed!!

This Starter Kit is perfect for Online Business Newbies and service—or product-based (online) Business Owners who like more than work and hustle – and start building a passive income stream.

Passive Income Starter Kit

Passive Income Starter Kit

Ready to feel the rush of excitement and thrill whenever you see new sales notifications on your screen – that pop up while you sleep, travel, spend time with your family, …? 😆😜

Passive Income Starter Kit Special

Passive Income Starter Kit

passive income starter kit

✨ Ditch the idea that only expensive offers can create profitable online income—regardless of what some ‘gurus’ say. With my passive income strategy, your mini product is an affordable hard-to resist evergreen goodie for everyone – and sells the next offers for you! 

💎 Discover an effortless way to transition low-ticket product customers into clients who crave your premium coaching sessions or other high-ticket offer without sales pitches or managing objections. The process is super simple and quickly done with free-of-charge tools (I promise 😊).

🔥 You’ll master the art of showcasing and selling your digital goodies in a way that triggers major I WANT THIS!! desires in your visitors, making them click that “Buy Now!” button without a second thought!

Passive Income Starter Kit

In 2022, I hit a wall. Despite my initial intent to slow down, I worked 60+ hours a week for over two years while caring for my family. Ooops! 🥵

During this time, I sold high-ticket online courses by posting 24/7 content on social media, and ran live group coaching and 1:1s. Needless to say, my stress level was extremely high! 😰

I realised I was stuck in the typical time-for-money trading, which was wearing me out. I urgently needed to find a way out.

However, how could I get people to buy my digital products without my constant involvement? 🤔

It wasn’t until I realised that I needed a clockwork-like system, a product and pricing strategy, and a business process to sell my products on autopilot that I solved my problem. ⚙️

It was time to shift from working and hustling to living fully!

Before, I used to work constantly, even when I was sick or on vacation, to earn income. I was stressed – and it sucked!

💎 Today, I sell – even if I don’t post content or live coach! And if I post or coach, I have fun and enjoy it! 💃🏻

❌ Before, I couldn’t get people excited enough to buy my high-priced offers or sign up for my emails—despite my high-value freebies! Can you imagine!?

💎 Today, just like that, clients rarely buy just one offer when entering the MY NU WAYS World! My average sales per person is €345+, all starting with a €17 product. Oh, la la!🤩

❌ Previously, I struggled badly with organic reach. And running paid ads on my offers was like dancing on an active volcano.🌋 Painful & pointless! Big ouch!

💎 Today, I earn my money by spending it on paid ads because I know how to create yummy content appealing digital products and how to write copies! My ad ROI: 🥰! 

Passive Income Starter Kit

Discover Nu Ways to generate a steady income flow without the hassle and stress of content marketing, even if you hate selling!

Take the fast lane to start working less, earning more and live fully!

Create an irresistible, 'snackable' evergreen digital product that up to 10+ people can't resist buying daily - and they won't even think twice before buying your premium products as well!

Passive Income Starter Kit Special

    The secret to sell digital offers on autopilot [VALUE 77€]


    How to make 20%+ income with a smart & effective product & pricing strategy [VALUE 77€]


    Win your first client in 3 days - even without many followers! [VALUE 77€]


    Upsell your high-ticket offer easily and effectively. [VALUE 77€]


    Worry-free, easy to do, and lean tools & processes to sell & deliver digital products [VALUE 77€]


    20 done-for-you templates for your ads that make people stop scrolling. [VALUE 17€]

  • ✨BONUS ✨

    Content Creator's Roadmap to go from zero to online biz hero [VALUE 39€]


    3 Must-have Funnels + email templates to earn money on autopilot [VALUE 69€]

  • ✨BONUS ✨

    Nail your profitable niche & positioning in just three sentences to make your digital products & content click with your audience [VALUE 27€]


    Ready-To-Use Freebie Lead Magnets for you [VALUE 29€]


    Ready-To-Use Order Bump Scripts [VALUE 39€]


    Create converting ads to aim for 5-figure sales [VALUE 27€]


    Converting Sales Page for pre-1:1 orientation or 1:1 appointments [VALUE 37€]

  • ✨BONUS ✨

    Social Media Content Planner to grow your reach & community [VALUE 37€]

  • ... and much more.. 🤫😎

Real Talk: Automated selling of Digital Products makes you free and independent from time, location – and 24/7 hustling so you can focus on the most important things in life and live fully.

Passive Income Starter Kit

Just so we’re clear, after your highspeed quick-start, you have to put in the work and stay dedicated for a while before you see the full payoff of this strategy (learn more later)!

But trust me, it’s totally worth the effort!

I’ve tried all sorts of stuff: 👉🏻 live launches, webinars, 1:1s, challenges, selling on social media, affiliate marketing, you name it.

And a lot of it works well. I’ve made a big chunk of my sales through live webinars and 1:1s, but you can’t rely on webinars and 1:1s alone, you know? It keeps you stuck in the never-ending time-for-money trading treadmill.

It takes a lot of effort, time, and sales skills to convert potential leads into high-value clients.

The hassle is real and enormous, my friend! … just saying! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Say goodbye to the daily Hustle and hello to the Passive Income Flow! 👋

Passive Income Starter Kit

That’s how I discovered and fully embraced a Passive Income Online Business Model. This game-changing, scalable system generates a steady flow of passive sales, and frees up time for me and my clients without depending on active social selling, 1:1 coaching, or facilitating live group events.

Passive Income Starter Kit

Hey, I’m Mel!

Bubbly, candid, creative – and a transformative Passive Income Entrepreneur through and through.

I’m an engineer at heart. I love turning ideas into reality and making things happen. Just like that! But I also love to support people in their business and personal transformation as a certified business coach & counsellor.about the team

Working in this sweet spot brings me joy and fills my heart. I’m very grateful I could do this for over 17+ years in the corporate world. Now, I work with entrepreneurs to build their passive income online businesses.

At the beginning of my Online Business journey, I struggled badly with visibility and social selling. Why? Honestly, I used to hate selling stuff – the same as negotiating. I always thought it was kind of sleazy and dishonest, but looking back, I didn’t know any better then.

Once I figured it out and switched up my mindset, even promoting on social media was a breeze. I turned my expertise into yummy digital products and built my automated passive income business model, the success blueprint I now share with my clients.

I help you transfer your expertise into digital product goodies and build your lean passive income business that fits your life, like your favourite outfit – unique, outstanding, and adjustable to fit your needs and wants.

You’ll get a steady stream of clients without having to do any content marketing, even if you hate selling like I used to.

I strive to live fully—free and independent from location, time and unnecessary stuff. And so can everyone else, how they want and need it!

Let’s do epic passive income s**t together!’

Passive Income Starter Kit

Hey, I get you – totally!

  • You are tired of always trying to sell your online offers without much success – but a lot of effort!
  • You are mega frustrated with shooting in the dark when creating your offers. You have a bit of an offer here, a bit there—it’s all loose and unconnected, so you’re going everywhere and nowhere
  • You are fed up making free content that only attracts people who want free stuff and never buy anything! or…
  • You are just thinking about starting your online business by turning your knowledge into digital products, but you have now idea how and where to start it.

If so, congratulations 👏- you’re in the right place to take your online biz and life to more free time, steady income and financial security to the next level in a more structured, systematic and predictable way.

🛑 But wait! There’s a costly and sneaky Problem with Digital Mini Products….!! 👇🏻

Passive Income Starter Kit

Like my clients, many people are generally familiar with tiny offers or low-priced digital products. But they have encountered four major challenges and mindset traps that need to be overcome so you can sell them successfully:

Creating and selling a digital product based on your expertise and knowledge is cool and super exciting! But what does it take to make it happen and sellable? Well, most people just go ahead - but miss critical requirements entirely.

Many people want to help their clients and start making a digital product - but get carried away and wind up with a ginormous, unsellable monster of an offer by the end—and by then, it's too late to realise what went wrong!

Creating a digital product can be a real pain in the neck, and many people are surprised to learn that even a small digital product can take ages to create. They often conclude that creating and selling low-priced digital products isn't worth it because the profit, or at least the return on investment, is not significant.

People often waste their time, money, and energy creating a digital product nobody wants or cares about - or is not feeding into your other offers! It's a bummer when most of them realise this after completing the digital product and trying to sell it. 😶🤷🏻‍♀️

💃🏻 Nope, you’re going to do better! 👇🏻

Passive Income Starter Kit

Roll up your sleeves and gear up for a wild ride as you master the art of creating and selling digital goodies like a boss with an easy-peasy step-by-step plan.

Dive into the High-Speed Passive Income Quick Starter Kit to whip up irresistible evergreen mini-offers that are too good and yummy to be ignored. This program is your golden ticket to jumpstart your Passive Income Biz Adventure with a fail-proof fast lane roadmap made for go-getters like you. 💃🏻


Passive Income Starter Kit

It’s time to shift from working and hustling to living! Earn money while you sleep, travel, or have fun with the kids.

Take the fast lane to start working less, earning more and live fully!

Your NU WAYS to a consistent flow of income without the content marketing stress, even if you hate selling!


    The secret to sell digital offers on autopilot [VALUE 77€]


    How to make 20%+ income with a smart & effective product & pricing strategy [VALUE 77€]


    Win your first client in 3 days - even without many followers! [VALUE 77€]


    Upsell your high-ticket offer easily and effectively. [VALUE 77€]


    Worry-free, easy to do, and lean tools & processes to sell & deliver digital products [VALUE 77€]


    20 done-for-you templates for your ads that make people stop scrolling. [VALUE 17€]

  • ✨BONUS ✨

    Content Creator's Roadmap to go from zero to online biz hero [VALUE 39€]


    3 Must-have Funnels + email templates to earn money on autopilot [VALUE 69€]

  • ✨BONUS ✨

    Nail your profitable niche & positioning in just three sentences to make your digital products & content click with your audience [VALUE 27€]


    Ready-To-Use Freebie Lead Magnets for you [VALUE 29€]


    Ready-To-Use Order Bump Scripts [VALUE 39€]


    Create converting ads to aim for 5-figure sales [VALUE 27€]


    Converting Sales Page for pre-1:1 orientation or 1:1 appointments [VALUE 37€]

  • ✨BONUS ✨

    Social Media Content Planner to grow your reach & community [VALUE 37€]

  • ... and much more.. 🤫😎


''Passive Income literally turned my Business and Life upside down - for the better!''

Melanie encouraged and accompanied me in leaving my side gig of leadership 1:1 coaching and going full-in with a passive income business in a new niche: Business Mentoring.

I already had two digital products for 99€ each – but minor sales. So, with Melanie’s help, I tweaked them into super catchy high-quality lead magnets, reduced the price to 37€, and set up basic funnels – et voila..! The rest was history!

Nowadays, I earn €250+ per client on average – and I have left my 9-to-5 job to live now fully from my passive income business! 💃🏻

Katrin Caldewei
Business  Mentor & Consultant

Passive Income Starter Kit

The High-Speed Passive Income Quick Starter Kit makes starting your Passive Income Biz an effortless breeze with its easy-to-use structure.

💎 Your fast lane to create and sell your mini digital product within 3 days. Fail-proof frameworks, templates and scripts - all included.💎

This is what exactly it looks like and how it works 👇🏻

Passive Income Starter Kit Special

Make your Passive Income Biz Dream come true! Jump-start NOW and create an irresistible, 'snackable' evergreen mini product that up to 10+ people can't resist buying daily - and they won't even think twice before buying your premium products as well! And the rest will follow!

passive income starter kit programs links

You nail to come up with a crystal-clear mini product topic

In just five minutes, you learn how to create a product promise and benefit that won't leave your customers scratching their heads. No more confusion or guessing—they will jump at it!

passive income starter kit programs links

Create your Digital Product

All you have to do is follow the framework to create the content and fulfill your product promise. Easy peasy!

passive income starter kit programs links

The Autopilot Funnels

You can easily start getting 5-10 new customers daily if you know how to set up your initial sales funnel the right way. Just follow the templates and put everything together, it's not as hard as you might think!

passive income starter kit programs links

Ready to have your first client in 3 days?

With my Quick Launch Formula, you can win your first client within 3 days of setting up your funnel.

passive income starter kit programs links

From mini-product client to high-price offer client

Get ready to discover how to turn your customers who buy your min products into high-value customers who will absolutely love what you have to offer.

passive income starter kit programs links

Most essential tools you need

Does setting up the technical platform for selling and delivering digital products keep you awake at night? No worries, it's less complicated than you think. You'll learn about the most effective set-up.

Passive Income Starter Kit


You get everything you need to create and sell an evergreen digital mini product in just 3 days, which even sells the next offers for you – all without a large following.

The actionable, result-driving process you’ll be following has 5 modules, each with its own frameworks and ready-to-use scripts and templates. 

This will be THE FOUNDATION of your your Passive Income Business, as you’ll be using this strategy over and over again to create more digital products and scale your business in the future. 

Passive Income Starter Kit

This could be you and your Results

passive income starter kit
passive income starter kit

Passive Income Stater Kit

Frequently Asked Questions

The idea is that you build a low-priced digital product with the help of this starter kit. It helps you to avoid typical mistakes so that you can sell the product automatically.

Once you have created the digital product, you can start selling it through an automated sales funnel. The starter kit includes everything you need for this.

100% YES! As a newbie, you’ll learn loads about building digital products while ensuring they don’t get lost in the crowd and making your first steps in building your online business. The best part? The process is a total time-saver—you’re going to love it!

Immediately after payment, you will receive direct access to the course system and the self-study Passive Income Starter Kit, which includes video tutorials, templates, and scripts. 

If you would like personal support, you can book it separately. You can join the CONNECT 360 POWER CLUB instantly or book 1:1 time with me. Booking links are also provided in the course system.


As part of the program, I have provided some basic tool recommendations. However, there are no limits when it comes to technical tools. My advice is to use the tools that suit you best and that you are already familiar with. There is no need to overdo it with the tools, and you should avoid striving for perfection at the beginning. Your focus should be on getting started as soon as possible —the rest is something to tackle later.

Absolutely yes!It is possible to create a digital product in nearly any industry or niche. If you’re not sure what to do, shoot us an email with your industry and we’ll let you know if it works. Be aware, though, that we won’t give you any advice on what product to make.

NOPE! I get it—the price is pretty crazy—but I want to ensure everyone can afford it and start building their passive income business to take their future into their own hands. With an amazing digital product based on your expertise, passion, or hobby, you create your first digital asset and start making passive income. These digital assets allow you to gradually free yourself from your day-to-day job and scale into more passive income streams (e.g. real estate investments, ETFs, …) until you can live well and fully from them.

Passive Income Starter Kit


🔥 Don’t miss out on this awesome Bonus CONTENT CREATOR’S ROAD MAP eBOOK worth €39 & many more! 🔥

This eBook is like a buddy who’s got your back when it comes to creating amazing online content. It’s a complete guide and workbook that helps beginners step-by-step in their journey to becoming successful online content creators. It gives you practical exercises and valuable insights to define your niche, brand and target audience so that you can create content to sell your digital products like a boss! 💃🏻


passive income starter kit programs links

Hey, what are you waiting for? 😁

Don’t miss out on the High-Speed Passive Income Quick Starter Kit that will put your sales on autopilot! You won’t regret it. I guarantee you’ll get a complete online course to teach you how to create your digital product and make 10 sales daily. I won’t hold back any secrets

Happy Living Fully, Melanie